March 11, 2014


Finally...the look of the most dashing and mean villian of the modern times is released online now. You can view the first official poster of the WINTER SOLDIER, the arch enemy of Captain America and S.H.I.E.L.D. He sure does makes fun of S.H.I.E.L.D by attacking their base and Nick Fury. I dont think he needs that gun, after all he has a powerful metal arm !!

His real name is Sebastian Stan as James "Bucky" Barnes aka Winter Soldier:
He was once Steve Rogers' best friend, who has reemerged as an enhanced brainwashed assassin after being thought killed in action during World War II.
"Winter Soldier has been methodically, almost robotically, following orders for 70 years."

To prepare for the role, Stan endured five months of physical training and did historical research stating, "I dove into the whole Cold War thing. I looked at the KGB. I looked at all kinds of spy movies, and all kinds of documentaries about that time, and what it was about. I grabbed anything from that time period. Anything about brainwashing." 

Regarding Bucky's transition into the Winter Soldier, Stan said, "You know, the truth of the situation is although he looks very different and there’s different things about him, it still comes from the same person. I think you’ll get to see that no matter what. I think part of my goal here was to make sure that you see an extension of that version but just a different color of that same version in a way. I think he’s still the same guy; he’s cut from the same cloth."

I think Sebastian Stan aka the winter soldier is great in the movie. His performance will be remarkable...well, lets just find out on April 4th. Comment and Share guys !

Have a look at the latest official trailer from the movie incase you've missed it before,

Captain America The Winter Soldier Trailer by Boxoffice


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